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Tech Soup for Nonprofits

Tech Soup is a leading partner for nonprofits giving them an easy way to find grants and donations from thousands of companies across the world for discounted or free services, software and hardware.

Do you have a Tech Soup account?

One of our first questions when we make a connection with a nonprofit is: "Do you have an account on Tech Soup?" and if they answer "No!" we immediately get to work helping to ensure their account is setup.

You simply need to be a 501(c)(3)

In the United States of America, you simply need to be setup as a 501(c)(3) to apply for Tech Soup services. Contact us today and we can help you tap into Tech Soup's amazing line of programs and services.

Tiki Multimedia's Tech Soup listing:

 The average nonprofit saves $17,000 in technology costs over its lifetime by using TechSoup.

Location Scout for Traverse Films

Tiki Multimedia in partnership with Traverse Films is seeking a home in Surgarhouse for a Shoot on December 14, 2021.

It will be a small 5-6 person crew, 6 hours in the morning or in the evening. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.

Helping someone- who is helping someone

Our great passion and joy at Tiki Multimedia is helping someone, who in turn uses what we have given, to help someone else. Our individual team members as well as the company often gives charitable donations to amazing organizations we work with like: Heart & Soul, 7th Street Treatment and KCPW.

Today we are very excited to be working with an amazing community organization called Options Independence. This organization helps individuals with disabilities connect to resources which help them become more independent. The the Executive Director, Cheryl Atwood approached us with the hope to revamp their website and our entire team was thrilled. We all know that if we can help Options Independence simplify things on their end, that means they can allocate more resources and human power to help more people.

We are in the planning phase of this project now but they know that they want a more responsive website for viewing on multiple devices, the ability to collect information digitally and also to interact with their community more effectively. We will link the finished product when done.

Screenshot of Options Independence - Existing Website

marketing, nonprofit, web develpoment

Helping Schools Setup Remote Learning Education from Home During COVID-19

While schools shut down and students stay home - instead of attending school each day in Utah, many schools are scrambling to find a solution for remote learning, online classrooms and video conferencing. While there are many e-learning solutions out there including: Canvas, Google Classroom, Udemy, Emodo LMS, Schoology, etc. All of these solutions are fantastic but they take time and knowledge to implement.

salt lake, summit, wasatch, tooele, county, district, granite

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