Client Highlights - USARA

Since its founding in 2007, USARA (Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness) has served thousands of individuals recovering from the effects of substance use disorders on the person, families, and the community.
Recognized as a Non Profit (501-3C), USARA is Utah’s premier Recovery Resource Community Center. The primary message we communicate tirelessly is that recovery is possible and there are no dreams that are unattainable.
Our team has had the pleasure of working with such a recovery dedicated client since 2008. We helped them revamp their website, broaden their marketing reach, and have helped them with the following recovery events/ fundraisers: Love Utah Give Utah, Recovery Day 2016 and 2017, and Pride 2016 and 2017. We have assisted them with all the proper marketing/ advertising tools to reach the most supporters, while also maximizing their SEO presence. Tiki also designed a Recovery Day video and script for this years 2017 Recovery Day, as we also specialize in Video and Audio Production.
Because USARA is an organization based on serving, strengthening, and supporting the recovery community we are always re-structuring their Marketing and Social Media Plans to fit what they have going on each month. We create specialized Marketing and Social Media Plans for each client, as no two clients ever need exactly the same things. This allows us to see what strategies do and don’t work best per client, making it the most efficient system as we keep adding new clients. Thank you USARA for putting your company’s Marketing fate in our hands, we love all the work we do for and with you guys!
fundraiser, client highlight, event promotion, graphic design